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User Profile Management

• List of all organization users, searchable and sortable by name and email parameters

• Bulk actions for settings changes, deletion, and other common tasks

• Manage the list of groups to which the user belongs

• Change a users's contact information, avatar, settings and permissions, and add or remove LTE-enabled hardware

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Group Management

• List of all organization groups, searchable and sortable by name and creation date

• Change a group's name, avatar, settings and permissions

• Manage the users that belong to the group, as well as their status within the group

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Self-Service Shopping allows a user to purchase a subscription to the service as well as hardware devices

• AWS Lambda facilitates monthly billing via the Recurly API, and hardward purchases via Shopify

• Seamless checkout experience leading to account set-up and user assimilation flows

• Start a free trial, compare plans and hardware, or contact sales for a customized solution


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Find new music on

Custom music recommendations

• Interactive resource for finding information about music and discovering new music • Find song recommendations based on dynamic custom algorithm using a number of musical attributes • Users are able to manipulate the attributes submitted to the recommendation algorithm based on their preferences, and can choose which attributes the algorithm should include or disregard

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• Modals allow users to play snippets of recommended songs and albums via Spotify • Exact matches, LIKE matches, and fuzzy matches are given back to the user in order of relevancy • MySQL database combines a subset of Spotify's catalogue with reviews from Pitchfork and Album of the Year critic and user scores

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Ask Alexa for the Bra Facts

History and trivia about bras

• Leveraged AWS Lambda to publish a custom skill for Alexa • Utilized Amazon's Alexa Skills Kit SDK to write event handlers in Node.js • Bra Facts will provide a random fact or piece of trivia about bras. For example, "42K is the size of the world's largest strapless bra." In addition, users may specify what kind of information they would like to receive. To hear a piece of trivia, users can say "Tell me a piece of trivia about bras." Users may also ask for a specific type of fact. Available types of facts include historical, medical, fashion, and sports.

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Quit nagging with my-Nanny

Chores and scheduling for busy parents

• Interactive household management with Amazon's Alexa • Architected React and Redux front-end for simplified state management and clear data flow • Designed custom skill for Amazon’s Alexa technology to incorporate voice interaction • Implemented relational schema with MySQL and Sequelize for efficient storage and querying • Utilized Amazon authentication for Alexa access, and Twilio to send various text notifications to users

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Divvy up bills with TENDR

Bill splitting and payment

• Integrated Google’s Cloud Vision API for text recognition to read receipts • Utilized React to condense multiple functions into the same view, creating efficiencies in rendering and re-rendering while maintaining consistent user experience • Styled content using React Bootstrap to avoid virtual DOM rendering conflicts. • For sample bills from Google Images, click here, here, and here.


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June 23, 2017

Re-published on, this is the first of a series on Javascript testing for beginners, especially those who might have some anxiety around starting to test their code.

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June 24, 2017

For JS newbies, practice with unit testing in the console using console.assert() and a factorial algorithm with straightforward answers to test assertions against.

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A/B Testing Algorithms

June 24, 2017

Compare your algorithm solutions for efficiency, and see real-life "Big O" differences using console.time(), console.timeEnd(), and a dedicated file for testing scripts.


older work

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February 6, 2017

Bookmark this weather app to get current weather in your saved city. You can also search for weather nationwide and globally. Mobile responsive.

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January 9, 2017

Copy this React/Redux tagging widget to easily add attractive tagging functionality for any application.

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January 30, 2017

How many times you are willing to lose to a computer at Tic-Tac-Toe? Play my version to find out!


Meredith Latasa

Brooklyn, New York

Talk to Me


Tel: (646) 270-9704